Other Conservation Contributors
A variety of other agencies, organizations, and others provide services and funding for ranges and recreating with firearms in the outdoors.
- Federal Government: The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service provides federal aid to state wildlife agencies that support a variety of projects including hunter education, land acquisition, range development, and improvement of wildlife habitat.
- State Government: State governments do a great job of overseeing ranges and public spaces for you to practice with your firearm.
- Non-Governmental Organizations:
- The IHEA-USA, sponsor of this course, oversees guidelines around the world for safe hunting and firearms safety.
- A variety of conservation organizations such as the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, the National Wild Turkey Federation, etc. spend millions of dollars conserving land and wildlife for public enjoyment.
- Industry, Business, and Clubs: A variety of firearms and outdoor manufacturers provide funding and training materials as well as spend thousands of dollars sponsoring organizations that allow us to enjoy all outdoor activities.