Video: Cleaning a Pump Shotgun
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Transcript for Pump Shotgun Cleaning
On screen: Cleaning Your Pump Shotgun
Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning your firearm provided in your instruction manual. This content is a general guideline for this style of firearm.
Speaker fires two shots with a pump shotgun.
Alright. Now one question I always get asked is, how often should I clean my gun? And that depends on a lot of factors, like where you live, the weather, the humidity, how often you shoot. If you're using your shotgun for hunting, are you using out in the snow, sleet, rain? Is it going to be out in sandy conditions or dusty conditions? These are all factors that play in. So, make sure you check with the manufacturer's recommendation. But always remember, nothing wrong with a clean gun.
So, maybe let's go ahead and break this down and get to cleaning it.
Before we get into this Mossberg 508, we're going to go ahead and make sure that it's safe and cleared. We're going to both physically and visually check this. And it is clear and good to go.
But if you do have any rounds, go ahead and make sure those are in an area away from the place where you're going to be working on your gun. This is the most important step. Make sure you don't skip it.
Speaker places the shotgun on a desk for cleaning.
First, we will remove the barrel nut and pull the barrel from the receiver.
Next, pop the pin from the receiver. We'll then be able to pull the trigger assembly out.
Next, we're going to pull the primary and secondary shell stops, and then remove the bolt carrier and the action bar. This is going to allow us to pull the bolt assembly. And then last is going to be the cartridge carrier.
Speaker holds a gun cleaning kit before setting it to the side to clean the shotgun.
This kit has everything you need to clean this beauty up. So, we will begin by putting some gun bore cleaner on a bronze brush attached to a rod and push it through the barrel from breech to muzzle.
Now, we will use the gun bore cleaner on a patch, run it through, followed by a dry patch. We're going to repeat this process until we can get a clean patch out of the barrel. At that time, we're going to apply some lubricating gun oil on a patch and run that through the barrel.
Now using the lubricating oil, we will wipe down the exterior of the barrel.
Now, we're going to move on to the different components and wipe them down with lubricating oil as well.
Once we have everything wiped down, we're going to add a drop of lubricating oil to all the high-friction areas.
At this point, we're going to reverse the disassembly instructions, finishing it off with a wipe down, using the included silicone cloth.
Alright. Now that it's cleaned up and assembled, we're going to go ahead and do a quick functions test on this.
We're going to pump it a couple of times.
Speaker demonstrates a functions test on the shotgun.
It's good. And we're going to put it in a safe direction and pull the trigger. Excellent, works exactly as it should.
Now it's time to put this up in a safe location per the manufacturer's instructions.